LGBTQIA+ Counselling/Psychology in Melbourne: What to Expect from Therapy

Now that you have decided to take the plunge and reach out to a therapist, you probably have many questions about what to expect, and that is all totally normal; here, I'll explain some of the things you can expect during your LGBTQIA+ Counselling experience.

Creating a Safe Space

Your LGBTQIA+ counsellor/psychologist will work hard to create a safe place in which you can share your thoughts and feelings openly. LGBTQIA counsellors do this by creating a warm and welcoming physical space, taking a nonclinical and conversational approach, and highlighting the need for confidentiality within a small, close-knit community.

Understanding LGBTQIA+ Identities and Experiences

Your LGBTIA+ counsellor in Melbourne will have an understanding of specific experiences related to particular LGBTQIA+ identities. They'll use this understanding to help make sense of some of the complexities you're presenting in counselling sessions. Your LGBT counsellor should have a good understanding of intersectionality and its impact on LGBTQIA+ clients. For example, the interlacing factors of racism and islamophobia are going to have particular impacts on Queer Muslim clients.

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Therapy

Your therapist monitors their assumptions, and you do not have to educate them on key LGBTQIA+ terms or topics discussed in the community. They will have access to LGBTQIA+-aligned content and resources that they can recommend to you. These tailored resources can help you feel less alone and dissolve the shame you have around specific LGBTQIA+ related issues.

Tailored Treatment Plans

It's clear that not one size fits, so having an LGBTQIA counsellor or psychologist who can create a tailored treatment plan will help you feel that your therapist is not going through the motions. It means they've considered the content you've discussed in the first few appointments and can apply your history through an LGBTQIA+-affirming and intersectional lens. A tailored treatment plan can help you feel like you're not wasting your time and that you and your therapist are on the same page.

If you're looking for LGBTQIA+ counselling/psychology in Melbourne, don't hesitate to reach out for a free 15-minute consult on the phone or online.


LGBTQIA+ Counselling in Melbourne: Your FAQs Answered 


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